Donnelly Knows Price Sells with Live Market Pricing!
When you buy a vehicle from Donnelly, we check the market value of all our pre-owned vehicles every day, comparing cars with the same options and in similar condition. We do market analysis in the area (approximately 200 km’s) because we want to save you the stress of doing all that research yourself. With Donnelly Live Market Pricing, there are no back-and-forth negotiations, no smoke and mirrors about your current vehicle’s trade value and absolutely no hidden fees. We are committed to total transparency throughout your buying experience.
What is Live Market Pricing?
Live Marking Pricing is our pre-owned vehicle pricing based on live market data. We do the homework so you don’t have to. We research the top influencers on car pricing in the market:
- Red book
- Black book
- Live auction appraisals
- Web searches
- Advertised prices
- Car proofs
- Kilometers driven
- Overall condition
- The latest in technology/pricing software
Scraping the local market’s used car inventory and determining market pricing by model with similar options, amount of market supply inventory available, projected selling and buying volumes and an instant view of days on lot by car.
We offer these researched prices upfront to ensure we have the most competitive price on all models based on the list above. This allows the consumer to focus on securing the car that is right for them and avoid all the back and forth negotiations. We want you to have an excellent customer experience while here at Donnelly. At Donnelly we have no administration fees on all our pre-owned vehicles. We have no administration fees on any of our pre-owned vehicles.
In simple terms: Donnelly Knows Price Sells, and that’s the Donnelly Difference!